NewsocHub | eDescartes | Premium Buy | Network Buy
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“NewsocHub” Advertising Platform


NewsocHub is developed by The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, offering an automated multimedia advertising exchange platform. It combines various reputable local mainstream media outlets, allowing advertisers to easily reach high-quality readers across multiple media websites through the platform’s automated connection system.

Advantages include


• An exclusive multimedia platform linking diverse mainstream media outlets throughout Hong Kong

• Cost-effective advertising options

• Swift distribution of advertising content to ensure prompt delivery

• A trustworthy, high-quality, efficient, and transparent advertising platform

Check out NewsocHub

Our media network includes:

media full list

NewsocHub’s vision

Our vision is to transform the landscape of online advertising transactions by improving transparency and flexibility in approval processes. Our goal is to ensure that advertisers’ content is showcased on premium websites, ultimately boosting ROI and driving effective cross-platform outcomes.